
The Great Resignation is underway as employers struggle to retain some of their top talents. Losing one of your star performers can be demoralizing for the whole team and even trigger a wave of early exits from your company. At Saudi Technologies, our team of HR professionals can give you expert strategies for dealing with disengaged and disgruntled employees.

Five Ways To Stop Your Best Employee From Quitting 

Five Ways To Stop Your Best Employee From Quitting 

The Great Resignation is underway as employers struggle to retain some of their top talents. Losing one of your star performers can be demoralizing for the whole team and even trigger a wave of early exits from your company. At Saudi Technologies, our team of HR professionals can give you expert strategies for dealing with disengaged and disgruntled employees.

Here are five ideas you can try as a manager to keep your worker from walking away

Get Talking 

If you notice the worker in question is chronically late for work, not showing interest in meetings, or checking out of work at unusual times of day, it’s time to be upfront with that employee and ask how everything is going. This behaviour doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re ditching work for job interviews—it could be something more personal going on. And if that’s the case, they’ll appreciate you showing some compassion


Start showing the people who work for you how much they are valued and appreciated on a day-to-day basis. Engagement is key and you can prevent someone from leaving your company if you offer them regular thanks, praise and feedback on their performance. You can’t stop someone from trying to grow their career and learn new skills outside of your organization, but if they’re leaving because they don’t feel valued, then there is definitely something you could have done or still can do about it. 

Give Support 

Many times people leave a company because they feel overworked and unfairly assigned more projects than other people on the team. They might not come to you for help because they don’t want to appear incompetent or they feel like you wouldn’t offer help anyway. Be protective and reach out to that employee and ask if you can take something off their plate or offer additional training and support. 

Make Career Goals Attainable 

Many workers want to keep getting promoted within the company but they also want to grow their skills while they wait for those new opportunities to come up. Investing in your workers’ career growth will foster a sense of trust and commitment and could extend how long those employees want to keep working for your business, ultimately saving you the cost of bringing in new people in the future

Invest In Keeping Your Employees 

Making sure your employees are happy should always be at top of your mind. Regularly review your salary structure to ensure its competitive with your peers in the industry. Be on the lookout for new career development opportunities for your workers. You can also do some internal research and survey to find out what your employees value most and then try to accommodate those desires. 

How Saudi Technologies Can Help 

Retaining your top talent is a difficult but essential task if you want your company to remain competitive. At Saudi Technologies, our HR experts can help you research the needs of your employers and what the competition is offering so you can always be on the leading edge. We use the latest HR innovations in artificial intelligence and data analysis to determine which of your employees are most likely to leave so you can get ahead of any serious resignations. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how Saudi Technologies can transforms your business today.